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Zac and his mother
Zac says, "It's fun because I have to take a test to see if I can go to the next stage".
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What the dental professionals are saying.
"If we can help the teeth grow in straight from the beginning, then the teeth will be more stable throughout life".
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Orthodontist, Dr Barry Raphael, talks about Myobrace® treatment
You start treatment when you discover the poor oral habits that are going to create problems and you address the habits, not the teeth.
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Zac and his mother
Zac's Mother says, "Myobrace® to me is the cutting edge of orthodontics, it is just a a tremendous process where you don't need braces. His teeth look tremendous, they're just so straight and it's just a natural way to straighten teeth these days".
What the dental professionals are saying.
Founder of Myobrace®, Dr Chris Farrell, says, "The problem is because the jaws are not growing correctly, so by starting early allowing the jaws to grow properly as nature intended, the teeth come in straight even before braces time".
Orthodontist, Dr Barry Raphael, talks about Myobrace® treatment
People ask me all the time when do you start? For most people they are thinking that it has something to do with the teeth. The premise behind this kind of treatment is that you start treatment when you discover the poor oral habits that are going to create problems and you address the habits, not the teeth. It's a very different way of thinking.