Teeth do not become crooked by chance
Early detection can prevent the need for braces
Malocclusion (Misaligned teeth)
Teeth do not become crooked by chance and the most up-to-date evidence reveals most orthodontic problems are the result of incorrect jaw development.
This restricted development, which can be detected at an early age, limits the space available for erupting teeth and prevents them from erupting into their ideal natural position.

Traditional orthodontic treatment for crooked teeth, or malocclusion as it is professionally known, is often delayed until all permanent teeth have come through at around 12 years of age and, unfortunately, braces and extracting teeth in teenage years does not solve the underlying health problems. The children pictured above are only four to five years of age and you can already see their baby teeth are crowded. Consequently, there won't be enough space for all the permanent teeth to fit into the correct alignment. It is not because the teeth are too big, but more a case that the jaws have not developed sufficiently. Since the permanent teeth are bigger, they will not have room to fit into the smaller jaws.
Traditional orthodontics overlooks these causes and only focuses on forcing the teeth to be straighter. A lack of sufficient space has led to the common practice of healthy permanent teeth being extracted, which can result in a sunken-in facial profile and, in time the appearance of ageing more than expected. This detrimental approach also often leads to the orthodontic crowding returning, unless a wire is glued permanently onto the teeth, because the underlying causes have not been addressed.
"You start treatment when you discover the poor oral habits that are going to create problems and you address the habits, not the teeth."
Health & Development
If a child is a mouth breather their tongue won't rest in the roof of the mouth, which often results in an underdeveloped upper jaw and restricted forward growth of the lower jaw. Along with the concern of crowding, incorrect development of the upper jaw can affect a child's breathing by restricting airway.
Early evaluation for the signs of poor jaw development is increasingly becoming a treatment option more dentists, orthodontists and medical practitioners are implementing.
As well as affecting jaw and facial development, the medical profession now recognises that mouth breathing is abnormal and is also one of the main contributors of Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) problems. Symptoms include snoring, morning tiredness and learning difficulties, with extreme cases stopping breathing at times during the night. This is the medical condition called Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA). If left untreated, SDB can lead to significant and serious health problems that cause poorer quality of life in adulthood.
Symptoms commonly associated with Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) can include:
- Developmental and behavioural problems
- Snoring
- Gasping
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
- Interrupted sleep
Dietary Habits
In the 1930s, an American dentist named Dr. Weston A. Price discovered the causes of tooth decay, jaw growth and tooth alignment were strongly associated with the 'modern diet' of the time. Although crooked teeth was found in abundance in the United States, he decided to study various racial groups all over the globe and found those who were still employing a more primitive diet had NO tooth decay, larger jaws and straight teeth. He attributed this to both the hardness of the food and its nutritional value being up to 10 times higher. Today there are lots of kids with tooth decay that don’t know why they have it or how to avoid it. A good diet is important for optimal health and development.

View Next:
- Braces and extracting teeth in teenage years does not solve the underlying causes of crooked teeth and incorrect facial development.
- The most up-to-date evidence reveals hereditary factors or big teeth in small jaws are not responsible for crowded teeth or incorrect jaw development.
- Myobrace treatment focuses on addressing the underlying causes of crooked teeth and correcting the poor oral habits causing orthodontic problems.
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