Perform An Evaluation

Is your child suitable for Myobrace® treatment?

The following 10-point evaluation allows you to screen the child for the causes that may be affecting their jaw and facial development. Looking at the way they breathe, their posture, mouth and tongue, plus the way they swallow. These are called Myofunctional Habits and greatly affect the way their teeth and jaws develop. Correcting poor Myofunctional Habits allows children to grow to their genetic potential and live a healthy lifestyle later in adulthood.

A 'Save' option is available on completion of the evaluation. It is a good idea to take this report with you when seeing your Myobrace Practitioner.


Major Concerns

What are the main dental concerns with the child?

What do you ideally want for the child?

Do you know much about Myobrace®?

Is there anything specific you want explained?

Does the child currently have braces?
Does the child want braces?

Dental Alignment & Arch Development

Are the teeth widely spaced or crowded?

Upper Teeth

Widely Spaced
Answer here:

Lower Teeth

Widely Spaced
Answer here:

Arch Form

What does the Arch Form look like?

Upper Arch-Form

V-Shaped (Narrow)
Answer here:

Lower Arch-Form

V-Shaped (Narrow)
Answer here:


What corresponding relationship is evident between the upper and lower teeth (Occlusion)?

Side View
Answer here:
Frontal View
Answer here:

Facial Development

Select the facial development type

Correct Facial Growth
Deficient Facial Growth
Vertical Facial Growth
Answer here:

Oral Habits

What is their history relating to oral habits?

Bottle Sucking
Pacifier Sucking
Thumb Sucking
Answer here:

Mode of Breathing

Do they breathe through the mouth or nose?

Mouth Breathing
Nose Breathing
Answer here:


What is their posture like when standing or sitting?

Forward Head Tilt
Forward Shoulders
Tilted Shoulder
Answer here:

Tongue Posture

Where in the mouth does their tongue normally sit?

Roof of the Mouth
Bottom of the Mouth
Between the Teeth
Answer here:

Lips & Swallowing

How are the lips normally postured?

Lips Together
Lips Apart
Answer here:

What is their typical swallowing pattern?

Normal Swallowing
Reverse Swallowing
Answer here:

TMJ Dysfunction

Do they present regular symptoms that may be associated with TMJ (Jaw Joint) Dysfunction such as:

TMJ (Jaw Joint) problems
Headaches, Ear Pain, Neck Pain
Answer here:

Self Evaluation Results:

Myobrace Treatment Not Required

The evaluation indicates that the candidate has good overall dental and facial development with no significant breathing or myofunctional (poor oral habits) concerns. At this stage no myofunctional orthodontic treatment or breathing correction program treatment is required.

Myobrace Treatment Combined with Braces

The evaluation indicated that the candidate has poor myofunctional habits (poor oral habits) that are affecting their dental and facial development. Myobrace® for Braces treatment is recommended.

It's important to understand that bad oral habits such as mouth breathing, thumb sucking, and incorrect swallowing can greatly affect your child's dental and facial development. These problems can be seen from as early as 3-5 years of age. Myobrace® treatment can assist in correcting these poor oral habits to help straighten their teeth and jaws, often avoiding the need for braces and/or extractions.

Myobrace Treatment with Braces

Treatment with braces can generally commence once all the permanent teeth have come through. Myofunctional Orthodontic treatment using The Myobrace® for Braces (B1, B2 and B3) in combination with the Myobrace® Activities program can be integrated with fixed braces to assist the correction of poor myofunctional habits (poor oral habits) as well as improve the effectiveness of braces.

Myobrace Treatment Recommended

The evaluation indicates that the child has poor myofunctional habits (poor oral habits) that are affecting their dental and facial development. Myobrace® treatment is recommended.

It's important to understand that bad oral habits such as mouth breathing, thumb sucking, and incorrect swallowing can greatly affect your child's dental and facial development. For more information refer to your nearest Myobrace® practitioner.

Myobrace Treatment Recommended

The evaluation indicates that the child has poor myofunctional habits (poor oral habits) that are affecting their dental and facial development. Myobrace® treatment is recommended.

It's important to understand that bad oral habits such as mouth breathing, thumb sucking, and incorrect swallowing can greatly affect your child's dental and facial development. These problems can be seen from as early as 3-5 years of age. Myobrace® treatment can assist in correcting these poor oral habits to help straighten their teeth and jaws, often avoiding the later need for braces and/or extractions.

Myobrace Treatment Recommended

The evaluation indicates that the child has poor myofunctional habits (poor oral habits) that are affecting their dental and facial development. Myobrace® treatment is recommended.

It's important to understand that bad oral habits such as mouth breathing, thumb sucking, and incorrect swallowing can greatly affect your child's dental and facial development. These problems can be seen from as early as 3-5 years of age. Myobrace® treatment can assist in correcting these poor oral habits to help straighten their teeth and jaws, often avoiding the later need for braces and/or extractions.

Myobrace Treatment Recommended

The evaluation indicates that the candidate has poor myofunctional habits (poor oral habits) that are affecting their dental and facial development. Myobrace® treatment is recommended.

It's important to understand that bad oral habits such as mouth breathing, thumb sucking, and incorrect swallowing can greatly affect your child's dental and facial development. These problems can be seen from as early as 3-5 years of age. Myobrace® treatment can assist in correcting these poor oral habits to help straighten their teeth and jaws, often avoiding the need for braces and/or extractions.

Myobrace Treatment Recommended

The evaluation indicates that the candidate has poor myofunctional habits (poor oral habits) that are affecting their dental and facial development. Myobrace® treatment is recommended.

It's important to understand that bad oral habits such as mouth breathing, thumb sucking, and incorrect swallowing can greatly affect your child's dental and facial development. These problems can be seen from as early as 3-5 years of age. Myobrace® treatment can assist in correcting these poor oral habits to help straighten their teeth and jaws, often avoiding the later need for braces and/or extractions.