Straight Teeth The Natural Way®

Allow your child to reach their genetic potential

Getting Started

Booking in for a consultation with a Myobrace® practitioner is the first step in getting started and is important for both parent and patient to understand the treatment process. Upon first consultation, the practitioner will explain the treatment process in depth and move to record taking if the parent wants to progress. In order to properly evaluate the child, the practitioner will require study models, photographs, x-rays and possibly videos of the teeth, face and posture.

With models of the teeth, photos, and x-rays to determine the stage of tooth eruption and jaw development, and after reviewing and evaluating the records, the practitioner will prepare a detailed treatment plan. This information along with treatment options and possible difficulties can be presented at the next consultation. Once the treatment plan has been presented and clearly understood, treatment can commence. It is at this stage that the patient will be presented with their first Myobrace® appliance and it is recommended that the patient returns for regular check ups.

The Myobrace® Treatment Steps:

  1. Book your consultation
  2. Have records taken
  3. Be presented with a full treatment plan
  4. Receive the first Myobrace® appliance
  5. Return for regular check ups

Your Next Step

For questions regarding treatment options please use the 'Find My Practitioner' feature. If you have a more specific question regarding Myobrace® appliances and/or educational media please contact your nearest regional office:

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